Wednesday 1 June 2016

Why do people choose franchising?

Because it offers proven methods of operation that permit the franchisee to capitalize on the experience and expertise of an established organization. That can ensure your peace of mind when starting and operating your own business.
Various studies report that approximately 80% of all small businesses fail within five years and 47% of the businesses fail within the first year. Yet, over 90% of all franchises succeed!
Because franchising offers a formula for operating a proven business, it is rapidly growing. Sales through franchised outlets continue to increase.
Now you have the opportunity to become part of our franchise development - and own your own Education Solutions franchise.
Combine these qualities with our knowledge, expertise, services and techniques and our unique franchise opportunity and together we can enjoy a mutually rewarding business relationship.
ICES BRAIN is appointing Master Franchisees and Franchisees all over India.
Our mission is to educate the people about the brain development programs, applications, methodology and integrates them to processes their potential towards the betterment of mankind.

Most Important 

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Midbrain activation training is able to activate the brain waves called alpha-theta in a child, where these waves.....

A mnemonic, or mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids information retention. Mnemonics....

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